Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Getting to know the future Mr. Grey

Okay ladies and gentleman,
well in this case it´s probably more the ladies but okay:)
A little time ago they announced that Charlie Hunnan will play the role of Christian Grey from the bestselling "50 shades" books. And don´t worry I´m not going to write a post about how I wanted someone else like Matt Bomer to play the sexy, mysterious man (because I really wanted him to;) )....but I decided I´ll get to know the man that will embody Mr. Grey.
So what was the logical thing to do? Watch him in "Sons of Anarchy"! I heard of the show before, but since it´s about a bikergang who does bikergang stuff I wasn´t too excited to watch it. Oh, what you do for a new blog post, right? So I ended up tuning into the show and ladies let me tell you: If Mr. Grey would have been described as a tattood badass guy who also seems to have a soft side there would have been millions of women around the world screaming Charlies name right away....why you ask? This is why:

But since he is not described as a tattooed guy who is involved in illegal gang behaviour I had to concentrade on the acting;) And after an intense observation I can positively tell you that I can not wait to see Charlie as Christian Grey. His role as Jax also features some hidden pain and mystery that you can not really explain yourself and I think this is what will define the role to come. Plus he is not bad to look at, right?!

In the show he plays as mentioned above "Jax", who tries to get the Sons away from their weapon and later drug dealing business, because he wants to accomplish what his dead father did not have the chance to: He wants to reform the club. But as you can imagine things do not go as smooth as he thinks. There are forces inside the club and from outside, who make it nearly impossible for him to go trough with his plan. He also has a family to worry about: In the pilot he becomes a father....the first few weeks are crucial for his son "Abel" because he was born premature, thanks to his junkie mum. When it comes to his family....I think right now (season 6) he has like 2 kids and a wife (Tara) he is very protective and he would do anything for them. Anything but leave the club!! So I can actually picture him as this somewhat troubled man, who can not live without Ana in his life....you know this difficult situation of letting her go and being with her, I think Charlie is a good enough actor to really pull this off.
During the episodes I watched the thing that really struck me where the "quiet" scenes; scenes where the face expression actually speak lourder than words and I also think that this is very important for his upcoming role!
Plus ladies, come on, who doesn´t want to see this:

on the big screen? I know I want to:)
There is one concern that I have though...judging from photos that I found on the internet I´m not shure if he can pull of the short hair and no beard. I really love the kind of Brat Pitt look he´s rocking right now and let me tell you I would not mind a Mister Grey with long blond hair and a beartd! Anyways....my conclusion to the question if he can actually pull of the guy we want from the "50 Shades" books is: Hell yes...as long as they can incorporate the right haircut :P Also I think the beard should play a leading-role in the "costume" too:)

 What do you ladies think? If the gentleman who read this blog have an opinion they can get rid of it in the comment section too;) Do you watch SOA and if yes, what do you think?

Lets talk tv!!

xoxo Nici

(source for all pictures : Tumblr)


  1. I love Sons of Anarchy. I think Charlie has the body and the talent for the 50 shades movie. Maybe the hair cut is a but misleading for some people...

  2. i know what you mean with the misleading haircut.....but do you like him with short hair?? I dont!
