So as tonight we bid our farewell to Finn I thought it may be a good idea to show, why we can expect a celebration of Finns live and not a memorial episode:
Corys character was ( I really want to write IS...) a great rolemodel to so many young teens and he helped a lot of outcasts to stand up for themselfes. Do you remember, when at his moms and Kurts dads wedding he sang "Just the way you are"?! He promised Kurt to protect him from bullies and be a good brother? I loved that scene....(really crappy sound and quality sorry...but you get what I mean)
Also his insecurities regarding Rachel made his character very relatable and real. I like to believe, that his character felt the same way about Rachel as he felt about Leah. My favourite scene between those two was, when Finn tells the love of his life, that they are the "endgame"...which breaks my heart over and over again considering it didn´t come to that:
Remembering Finn as the guy who dressed up as Lady Gaga to show that he didn´t give a damn would be too easy;) So I chose to show you my personal favourite; I mean can you believe how hard it must be to convince a team of football players to dance to "Single Ladies"?!
So knowing that the third episode of the 5th Glee season will be very hard to watch, I wanted to take the time to say thank you to the producers and writers of the show. Thank you for introducing us to such an interesting and real character, that showed us how much is possible if you just take the first step.
With this beeing said, lets say "Goodbye" to Finn Hudson and to Cory and let us celebrate their passion for art and music and let us remember both in that way...singing, drum playing and maybe even dancing!
Bye Finn/Cory, may you rest in peace!
xoxo Nici
(source for all pictures and gifs: Tumblr)
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