List of TV shows

Saturday, November 30, 2013

A slow tv week and a lot of confusion on Glee!

Those weeks are the worst for good tv: Holiday weeks!!!
This week the Americans celebrated Thanksgiving and not only was I forced to pause on my new favourite show "Sons of Anarchy", but there also was no Arrow and no TVD!!
So there is not much to write about, well there is something:

A very very very confusing Glee episode!!
Just when I thought the season was finally starting to pick up where it left off the seasons before it proofed me wrong.
This weeks episode was titled "Puppet Master" and you get what you read: puppets!!!

To be honest guys....I hated this weeks episode. Most of the time I was so confused about what was going on and by the end of the episode I felt like I´ve just been on a bad mushroom trip ;)
Nothing really happened during this episode....Blaine had his usual Diva moment and began to hallucinate, Sue Silvester tried to impress a guy she liked, Kurt and his new formed band had their first gig and Jake and Marley keep on fighting (for what exactly I´m not shure;) ).

(this gif pretty much summs up my reaction to the episode;P )

The fact that the super fun song "what does the fox say" was sung did not help....unfortunately:(

I was so disappointed, because after last weeks episode I was SO stocked that Adam Lambert will have some guest appearances this year. In my opinion this episode was a total waste. This show is about music and about challenging difficult themes and not about a bunch of highschool and college students playing with puppets;)
Okay here it goes....the "performances" of the episode: (sorry couldn´t find a direct link to show on the page)

(at least something to look at in this whole mess of an episode ;) )

There is really nothing more I can say other that the Janet Jackson mash up was my favourite song of the episode.

I´ll leave now.....confused and disappointed;)

What did you think of the episode?

Let´s talk tv!

xoxo Nici

(credits for all gifs&pics: tumblr)

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